Sunday, June 13, 2010

Allagash Wilderness Waterway

My brother in-laws took and I a 70 mile kayak trip into the Allagash in northwestern Maine. The trip was highlighted by many moose sightings, beautiful native brook trout and great camp sites. Maine does a great job at keeping these sites very clean and the waterway as rustic as it was back when Thoreau made his journey down the river.

we camped for 4 nights making our way through three mountain lakes full of trout. There were nine miles of rapids at the beggining of our trip called chase rapids which held some nice trout in the different pools and bends. Everywhere pool we cast in seemed like it was holding trout. The flow of the mayfly hatch up the river everynight was sort of like watching a play. the fluid rythem of the mayflys could put you in a trance and I caught myself stairing one night for about an hour until the temp dropped and the performace stopped.
Along with many we moose we saw bald eagles, deer, a black bear cub, and many large snowshoe hares.
We had great weather daytime temps in the high 60s low 70s everyday and only a couple cold nights.
This was my first time on the Allagash and definitely will be a yearly trip.