Sunday, March 7, 2010

First Paddle of the Season

I took the Kayak out of the barn and dropped it in at a local river with a cousin of mine. We werent sure what we would run into as many of the coves were still iced in, but were itchin to just get out there. We were able to manage a pickeral but didnt see any bass. We ran into a school of 20-25lb carp which was really neat to see with the crystal clear water. It was an absolutley beautiful day and it seemed like all life was waking up from its winter nap. Swans, mallards, beavers, muskrats, and sun turtles to name a few. There were a few bass boats buzzing the river and I was able to talk to a few and they werent having any luck either. "Beats being home on the couch anyday" was what one older guy said as he bombed away in his freshly waxed bass boat. Like him, we were just pumped to get out there. What a day!

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