Thursday, March 18, 2010

A little luck of the Irish

I was able to get on the water on St. Patricks day on a local lake and despite the cold water temps and high water from the past rainy days, I had a great day off fishing. After paddling and casting for 5 minutes, I paddled into a cove that was a bit sheltered from the wind around two to four feet deep and was surprised to find a whole school of golden shiners balled up, flickering on the surface right next to a beaver dam. I tied on a husky jerk ad made a cast to the edge of the school. I twiched it once and was immediatley hit.

First Largie of the season! I worked that outskirts of that school for almost 2 hours hours giving it a break every twenty minutes or so and ended up picked up seven bass, some perch, some crappie, and a few pickeral. I swung and missed on fish as well. Very aggresive fish given the water temps. I had a little luck of the Irish going locating that school of shiners, and it turned out to be a prety good time. Nothing of any size but it was great to boat the first Largemouth of the season and tie onto some other fish on a beautiful day.

1 comment:

  1. Nice story Steve. We are going out cod fishing May 10th on the KaymanToo out of Gloucester: , still looking for one more guy if you are interested. Drop me a line at the Cush if you are interested. Looks like Pat Horgan, me, Matt Lemieux, my father in law and buddy. 210 + tip. We normally do very well with this captain.
